
The BWG has the following organisations involved:


UK Breed Clubs – Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pug

Veterinary Profession

Dog Registering Body

Animal Charities






Dan O’Neill



The Kennel Club

Representatives of the listed organisations: (* veterinary surgeon)


BWG MemberOrganisation
Alison Thomas*Blue Cross
Anna WadeBlue Cross
Becky ThwaitesBlue Cross
Caroline Reay*Blue Cross
Ian Ramsey* BSAVA
Vicky Collins-NattrassBulldog Breed Health Co-ordinator, Bulldog Breed Council
Stuart LothianBulldog Breed Council
Liz Mullineaux*BVA
Girija DuggalBVA
Rebeca Garcia Pinillos*DEFRA – Animal and Plant Health Agency
Victoria Phillips*Dogs Trust
Catherine Dobbie*Dogs Trust
Nikki LehelDogs Trust
Megan Knowles-BaconDogs Trust
Laura Hamilton*French Bulldog Breed Health Co-ordinator, RFG Scheme Assessor and and Veterinary Surgeon at Animals 1st Vets
Jacquie Mavro-MichaelisFrench Bulldog Health Representative
Vanessa BryantFrench Bulldog Health Representative
Sean Wensley *PDSA – Senior Veterinary Surgeon for Communication and Education
Rebecca AshmanPDSA
Cynthia TimburyPug Health Representative
Jane Ladlow*RFG Scheme Chief Assessor and Soft Tissue Veterinarian
Rowena PackerRVC
Dan O’Neill* (BWG Chairman)RVC, VetCompass
Bill LambertThe Kennel Club – Health, Welfare and Breeder Services Executive
Charlotte McNamaraThe Kennel Club
Helena Byrne-StevensThe Kennel Club – Senior PR Officer
David SarganUniversity of Cambridge, BOAS Research Group
Andreas Schemel*Veterinary surgeon & Championship show judge